

Date: 2012-11-22

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: In-Cell-Art ICANtibodies™ technology

Company: In-Cell-Art (France) Delta-Vir (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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ICANtibodies™ is a fully integrated process for antigen design, DNA synthesis, Nanotaxi®/DNA formulation, genetic immunization in mice, rats, rabbits or goat and antibody screening. In the absence of recombinant protein, ICANtibodies™ technologies allow for the production, starting from a protein accession number, of functional antibodies against any natively expressed antigen from either membrane, intracellular or secreted targets.



In-Cell-Art and Delta-Vir have initiated works aiming to use In-Cell-Art ICANtibodies™ technology, to develop antibody tools for quality controls assays to be used in biomanufacturing activities in connection with Delta-Vir anti-tumor cancer vaccine development program.
Delta-Vir has developed a unique immunotherapy incorporating non-human pathogenic oncolytic Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). In October 2011, Vivalis and Delta-Vir GmbH, entered into a commercial agreement to manufacture GMP grade material of NDV produced on Vivalis’ EB66® cell line and to develop an EB66®-based production process of purified live NDV virus. In Q1 2013, Vivalis will manufacture a first clinical grade NDV lot for Delta-Vir which intends to file an IND for an orphan drug-status cancer immunotherapy later in 2013.
Delta-Vir is planning to use the clinical grade live NDV in conjunction with a cell based anti-tumour vaccine for therapeutic treatment of different human neoplasms and primarily glioblastoma.
The qualification of the NDV Master Virus Seed Stock for the manufacture of clinical grade purified NDV required the production of poly-specific neutralizing antibodies to run in vitro and in vivo assays. Antibody production by standard immunization with protein antigen being impossible because of the high regulatory requirements, Delta-Vir selected In-Cell-Art’s cutting edge technology ICANtibodies™ for the production of neutralizing antibodies by genetic (i.e DNA) immunization.

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Is general: Yes