

Date: 2013-02-06

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: Inserm Transfert (France) MassBio (USA)

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Inserm Transfert and MassBio have announced a partnership aimed at facilitating scientific and commercial interactions between research laboratories and R&D companies in the field of Life Sciences both at Inserm in France and in Massachusetts. Inserm Transfert will join MassBio programs such as MassCONNECT and the MassBio Innovation Exchange. Conversely MassBio members will have the opportunity to attend events sponsored or promoted by Inserm Transfert in France. The overall goal is to promote scientific collaborations and facilitate the translation of early stage innovation into commercial products for the benefit of patients. The partnership was spearheaded by Dr. Bernard Malfroy-Camine, a French American biotech entrepreneur, formerly Inserm researcher and a Massachusetts resident for over two decades, who advises Inserm Transfert for US partnerships.


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Is general: Yes