

Date: 2013-01-29

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: antibodies for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Company: Merck Serono (Germany) Feinstein Institute (USA)

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)


Merck Serono and the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, the research division of the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in New York, will collaborate to develop antibodies for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Under the terms of the agreement, Merck Serono will fund a research program at the Feinstein Institute and be responsible for the development and commercialization of the antibodies resulting from the collaboration. The program will focus on the use of antibodies to inhibit the action of certain proteins responsible for inflammation in the pathogenesis of SLE. Further details of the agreement and financial terms are not disclosed.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes