

Date: 2011-10-12

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: variants in the human genome that confer risk of systemic lupus erythematosis.

Company: deCODE genetics (Iceland) Pfizer (USA - NY)

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: systemic lupus erythematosis


deCODE has concluded an agreement with Pfizer to search for variants in the human genome that confer risk of systemic lupus erythematosis. This collaboration is dedicated to the identification of sequence variants associated with specific clinical phenotypes related to systemic lupus erythematosis by utilizing deCODE‘s expertise in gene discovery.Over the next 18 months, deCODE and Pfizer will work together to analyse the genomes of patients to search for sequence variants that would be useful for understanding drug targets and discovering novel drug targets, that may ultimately lead to tools for patient stratification and companion diagnostics. The research collaboration will utilize the expertise and capabilities of both deCODE and Pfizer: deCODE’s comprehensive population genetics resources and analytical expertise and Pfizer’s dedication to the application of genomic analysis to the discovery and development of drugs.

Financial terms:

Financial details were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes