

Date: 2011-11-02

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: new drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, pain and ophthalmology

Company: Exonhit (France) Allergan (USA)

Therapeutic area: Neurodegenerative diseases - Ophtalmological diseases - CNS diseases

Type agreement:




Action mechanism:



ExonHit has announced the extension of its existing drug discovery collaboration with Allergan. The collaboration was initiated in December 2002, and extended several times. It is now further extended until December 2013. The collaboration will continue to focus on the identification, development and commercialization of drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, pain and ophthalmology. A clear example of success and the type of value being created within the collaboration was reported in the first half of 2010, with the sub-licensing of EHT/AGN 0001(AGN-209323) by Allergan to Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. The compound is currently in a Phase II study for neuropathic pain. The agreement between Allergan and Bristol-Myers Squibb also encompassed EHT/AGN 0002 and associated back-up compounds.


Financial terms:

Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes