

Date: 2013-01-03

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: Dekavil

Company: Philogen (Italy) Pfizer (USA - NY)

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases – Inflammatory diseases - Rheumatic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Dekavil (F8-IL10) is an immunocytokine consisting of a vascular targeting antibody (human antibody F8, specific to the extra-domain A of fibronectin) fused to the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL10). Dekavil is believed to selectively modulate anti-inflammatory effects in the target area, sparing unwanted effects on other tissues and potentially restoring healthy immune function. Dekavil potently inhibited progression of established arthritis in the collagen-induced mouse model when tested alone and in combination with methotrexate.

Disease: rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease


Philogen has entered into a strategic worldwide license agreement with Pfizer for Dekavil, a novel investigational therapy for autoimmune diseases. Pfizer plans to explore the activity of Dekavil in inflammatory bowel disease in addition to Philogen’s ongoing clinical program for Dekavil in rheumatoid arthritis (The product is currently in Phase 1 clinical testing).

Financial terms:

Philogen will receive an upfront payment and will be eligible to receive milestone and royalty payments. Pfizer retains exclusive rights to market any products that may be developed as a result of the collaboration.

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Is general: Yes