

Date: 2012-12-18

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: leonurine

Company: AstraZeneca (UK) Fudan University (China)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: cardiovascular diseases


AstraZeneca has signed a research collaboration with Fudan University, one of China’s leading academic institutions in the area of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The research agreement focuses on pre-clinical studies to understand the mechanism of action of leonurine, a compound derived from Herba Leonuri, a herb used as a traditional Chinese medicine. Understanding the role of leonurine in CVDs such as chronic heart failure, ischemic stroke as well as atherosclerosis, may ultimately help in the development of novel medicines. .
Principal Investigator for the research at Fudan University is Dr Yi-Zhun Zhu, Professor of Pharmacology and Dean of the School of Pharmacy. Under the terms of the agreement, Fudan University scientists will work in collaboration with teams from AstraZeneca’s Cardiovascular and Gastrointestinal Innovative Medicines group over the next two years.


Financial terms:

Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.

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