

Date: 2012-12-17

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: Clostridium difficile late-stage preclinical program

Company: MedImmune (USA - global biologics arm of AstraZeneca (UK) - Progenics Pharmaceuticals (USA)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

monoclonal antibodies

Disease: Clostridium difficile infections


MedImmune, the global biologics arm of AstraZeneca, has signed an in-licensing agreement with Progenics Pharmaceuticals for Progenics’ Clostridium difficile late-stage preclinical program.  The agreement was led by MedImmune’s Infectious Diseases & Vaccines Innovative Medicines (iMed) Unit. Preliminary research from the program suggests that the antibodies being developed are highly potent against most of the strains found in the U.S. and Asia, and are potent against hypervirulent strains, which produce higher amounts of toxins and are a main contributor to the growing rate of the disease. MedImmune’s program for this property will assess the potential efficacy and safety of treatment of the infection with investigational monoclonal antibodies targeting toxins that mediate the disease. 


Financial terms:

Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.

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