

Date: 2012-02-20

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: lanthionine-stabilized Angiotensin agonistic peptide drug

Company: Lanthio Pharma (The Netherlands) Tarix Pharmaceuticals (USA)

Therapeutic area: Lung diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: acute lung injury and related indications with high unmet medical need


Lanthio Pharma, a Dutch peptide drug company, has granted Tarix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. an exclusive license to its lanthionine-stabilized Angiotensin-(1-7) agonistic peptide. Lanthionine-stabilized Angiotensin-(1-7) is being developed for the treatment of acute lung injury and related indications with high unmet medical need. It is an agonistic peptide that was discovered by Lanthio Pharma, using its proprietary LanthioPep® technology. The compound is stable and resistant to angiotensin-converting enzyme. Additionally, it has high specificity for the MAS receptor and shows increased intrinsic activity compared to wild-type Angiotensin-(1-7).

Financial terms:

The commercial terms contain milestone payments and royalties. Tarix will finance further product development.

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Is general: Yes