

Date: 2012-11-23

Type of information: Production agreement


Company: UCB (Belgium) Exemed Pharmaceuticals (India)

Therapeutic area:

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UCB has  announced that Exemed Pharmaceuticals (Exemed), a fast-growing Indian company manufacturing and marketing high-quality active ingredients, will acquire UCB’s Indian production facility in Vapi. The deal includes a multi-year supply agreement between UCB and Exemed as well as the transfer of UCB Vapi’s ~80 members of staff to Exemed.
The agreement is in line with UCB’s strategy to focus on bringing new innovative drugs to patients and less on mass manufacturing for which UCB increasingly relies on a network of trusted partners. By choosing Exemed as its Indian partner, UCB is confidently transferring its production to a fast-growing manufacturing company that has the highest quality standards and growth ambitions for the site.
UCB’s Vapi plant currently focuses on the production, packaging and distribution of some of UCB mature drugs mainly for the Indian market; it produces ~2% of total UCB volumes. Exemed Pharmaceuticals will continue with these activities while also planning to bring new business to the site.

Financial terms:

Financial details were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes