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Number of results: 4911

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Date Company Compound Disease Type of agreement Therapeutic area Type of Information
2017-10-04 Avrobio (USA - MA) GenStem Therapeutics (USA ) AVR-RD-04 cystinosis licensing Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Lysosomal diseases Licensing agreement
2017-10-04 BioNTech (Germany) Eufets (Germany) BioNTech Innovative Manufacturing Services (Germany) cell and gene therapy products establishment of a new subsidiary in the EU Technology - Services Establishment of a new subsidiary in the EU
2017-10-03 Merck KGaA (Germany) new production line at the manufacturing site of Bari construction of new premises Construction of new premises
2017-10-03 Lonza (Switzerland) Shire (UK - USA) clinical-stage mammalian manufacturing site  in Hayward (USA - CA) plant acquisition Technology - Services Plant acquisition
2017-10-03 Merck KGaA (Germany) Modugno-Bari production site construction of new premises Technology - Services Construction of new premises
2017-10-02 Transgene (France) Randox (UK) oncolytic immunotherapies using Transgene’sviral platform Invir.IO™  and Randox’s SdAbs (single-domain antibodies)   development - collaboration Cancer - Oncology Development agreement
2017-10-02 KSQ Therapeutics (USA - MA) chief executive officer - chief scientific officer nomination Cancer - Oncology Nomination
2017-09-29 TG Therapeutics (USA - NY) Fast Forward (USA - NY) TGR-1202 (umbralisib) progressive multiple sclerosi clinical research Neurodegenerative diseases Clinical research agreement
2017-09-28 OSE Immunotherapeutics (France) Inserm Transfert (France) cancer immunotherapy targeting a new suppressive myeloid cell receptor (a C-type lectin receptor) licensing Cancer - Oncology Licensing agreement
2017-09-28 Basilea Pharmaceutica (Switzerland) China Resources Gosun Pharmaceutical (China) Zevtera®/Mabelio® (ceftobiprole) severe community-acquired and hospital-acquired pneumonia licensing Infectious diseases Licensing agreement
2017-09-27 Bavarian Nordic (Denmark) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS - USA) Imvamune® smallpox vaccine smallpox supply - distribution Infectious diseases Distribution agreement
2017-09-27 Cancer Research UK (CRUK) (UK) Glythera (UK) CDK11 inhibitor payload series for the development of antibody drug conjugates licensing Cancer - Oncology Licensing agreement
2017-09-26 OSE Immunotherapeutics (France) Selexis (Switzerland) research cell banks (RCBs) from the Selexis SUREtechnology Platform™ services contract Technology - Services Services contract
2017-09-26 Confo Therapeutics (Belgium) Lundbeck (Denmark) small molecule therapeutic compounds acting upon two G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) research - R&D Neurological diseases - Psychiatric diseases Research agreement
2017-09-26 Bicycle Therapeutics (UK - USA) chief medical officer nomination Cancer - Oncology Nomination
2017-09-25 Tapimmune (USA - FL) nomination Cancer - Oncology Nomination
2017-09-21 Juno Therapeutics (USA - WA) headquarters and research facility opening of new premises Cancer - Oncology Opening of new premises
2017-09-20 Enterome Bioscience (France) research laboratories in Genopole opening of new premises Autoimmune diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Digestive diseases - Cancer - Oncology Opening of new premises
2017-09-20 Enterome Bioscience (France) opening of new premises Liver diseases - Hepatic diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Digestive diseases Opening of new premises
2017-09-20 Synpromics (UK) Solid Biosciences (USA - MA) muscle-selective promoter candidates Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) research - R&D Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Neuromuscular diseases Research agreement