

Date: 2017-09-26

Type of information: Research agreement

Compound: small molecule therapeutic compounds acting upon two G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs)

Company: Confo Therapeutics (Belgium) Lundbeck (Denmark)

Therapeutic area: Neurological diseases - Psychiatric diseases

Type agreement: research - R&D

Action mechanism: GPCR agonist - GPCR inhibitor



  • • On September 26, 2017, Confo Therapeutics announced that it has entered into a drug discovery collaboration with Lundbeck. The goal of the collaboration is to deploy the company’s proprietary Confo® technology to discover novel, small molecule therapeutic compounds acting upon two G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs).  Under the terms of the agreement, Lundbeck has an option to an exclusive license to develop, manufacture and commercialize the compounds resulting from the collaboration.

Financial terms:

  • Confo Therapeutics will receive up to a total of €5 million in technology access fees and research funding during the initial 2 year period of the collaboration, and is eligible to receive further milestone payments, as well as tiered royalties on the annual net sales of any products resulting from the collaboration.

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