

Date: 2017-09-20

Type of information: Opening of new premises


Company: Enterome Bioscience (France)

Therapeutic area: Liver diseases - Hepatic diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Digestive diseases

Type agreement: opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



  • • On September 20, 2017, Enterome announced  that the company is moving its research laboratories to Genopole, a leading biocluster dedicated to biotechnology and research in genomics and genetics. The new laboratories brings Enterome closer to its existing and potential new partners and provides opportunities to extend its scientific expertise and network to develop its business further.
  • About 15 of the 40 people employed by Enterome will work permanently at Genopole in laboratories dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative therapeutic products derived from the gut microbiome. Understanding the mechanism of diseases linked to the dysfunction of the gut microbiome is at the heart of Enterome’s metagenomics research platform. By studying the key molecular mechanisms of the bacteria/host interaction, Enterome believes it can use this information to develop innovative drugs and diagnostics that will provide patients with better outcomes to their diseases.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes