

Date: 2017-09-20

Type of information: Research agreement

Compound: muscle-selective promoter candidates

Company: Synpromics (UK) Solid Biosciences (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Neuromuscular diseases

Type agreement: research - R&D

Action mechanism: gene therapy - oligonucleotide

Disease: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)


  • • On September 20, 2017, Synpromics, a leader in gene control, announced a new research partnership with Solid Biosciences. Under the terms of the agreement, Synpromics will provide Solid Biosciences access to a set of key muscle-selective promoter candidates to be used in the development of new treatment options for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
  • The use of Synpromics’ synthetic promoters will enable the enhancement of Solid Biosciences’ investigational gene therapy candidates for the treatment of DMD. These muscle-selective promoters have been designed using Synpromics’ PromPT® technology and bioinformatics expertise, and will be evaluated by Solid Biosciences for optimal product specific gene control.
  • This research collaboration will help advance Solid’s programme to develop optimal product candidates for the company’s AAV muscle-directed gene therapy research programme.

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Is general: Yes