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Number of results: 4911

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Date Company Compound Disease Type of agreement Therapeutic area Type of Information
2017-08-11 GSK (UK) Isis Pharmaceuticals (USA - CA), now Ionis Pharmaceuticals (USA - CA) antisense drugs including inotersen and IONIS-FB-L Rx licensing - development - commercialisation Rare diseases - Infectious diseases - Ophtalmological diseases Licensing agreement
2017-08-10 Celgene (USA - NJ) Sutro Biopharma (USA - CA) multispecific antibodies and antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) collaboration - option Cancer - Oncology Collaboration agreement
2017-08-10 Reprocell (Japan) Reprocell Europe (UK) Reprocell Centre for Predictive Drug Discovery opening of new premises Technology - Services Opening of new premises
2017-08-10 Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) Shattuck Labs (USA - TX) checkpoint fusion proteins research - collaboration Cancer - Oncology Research agreement
2017-08-10 Alexion Pharmaceuticals (USA - CT) Sema4 (USA - CT) data sciences, rare disease genomic shields collaboration Technology - Services - Rare diseases Collaboration agreement
2017-08-10 Orchard Therapeutics (UK) president and chief executive officer nomination Rare diseases - Genetic diseases Nomination
2017-08-09 BioNTech (Germany) Metropolis Healthcare (India) MammaTyper® breast cancer commercialisation Cancer - Oncology - Diagnostic Commercialisation agreement
2017-08-08 Galena Biopharma (USA - OR) resignation - restructuring Cancer - Oncology - Hematological diseases Restructuring
2017-08-08 Selvita (Poland) The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (USA - NY) SEL120 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) clinical research Cancer - Oncology Clinical research agreement
2017-08-07 Paion (Germany) R-Pharm (Russia) remimazolam sedation, general anaesthesia
development - licensing - manufacture - production - commercialisation
CNS diseases Licensing agreement
2017-08-07 Alligator Bioscience (Sweden) Stanford University (USA - CA) potential systemic biomarkers research - collaboration Cancer - Oncology Collaboration agreement
2017-08-07 Uniqure (The Netherlands) chief operating officer, chief scientific officer, general manager, members of the board of directors nomination Rare diseases - Genetic diseases Nomination
2017-08-03 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (USA - NY) Sanofi (France) fully human therapeutic antibodies development - commercialisation Autoimmune diseases – Inflammatory diseases - Rheumatic diseases - Dermatological diseases Termination of an agreement
2017-08-03 Molecular Templates (USA - TX) Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) oncology drug discovery programs based on engineered toxin bodies (ETB) technology platform research - licensing Cancer - Oncology Research agreement
2017-08-03 Cardurion Pharmaceuticals (USA - MA) Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) cardiovascular diseases research Cardiovascular diseases Research agreement
2017-08-02 Biophytis (France) nomination Ageing diseases - Muscle disorders - Ophtalmological diseases Nomination
2017-08-01 Seedsupply (Japan) Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) opening of new premises Opening of new premises
2017-08-01 Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) Isogenica (UK) monoclonal antibody licensing Licensing agreement
2017-08-01 BMS (USA - NY) Seattle Genetics (USA - WA), a wholly owned subsidiary of Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Bothell plant acquisition Plant acquisition
2017-08-01 Epizyme (USA - MA) US Oncology Research (USA - TX) relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (FL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with EZH2 mutations clinical research Cancer - Oncology - Rare diseases Clinical research agreement