

Date: 2017-08-07

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: potential systemic biomarkers

Company: Alligator Bioscience (Sweden) Stanford University (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: research - collaboration

Action mechanism: biomarker



  •  • On August 7, 2017, Alligator Bioscience  announced that it has expanded its collaboration with Stanford University to support its biomarker strategy. The collaboration’s objective is to enable the early prediction of clinical efficacy of Alligator´s pipeline candidates through the analysis of potential systemic biomarkers. In the longer-term, this may benefit patients through appropriate treatment selection based on biomarker analysis. Biomarker selection is critical to the success of this strategy, and Stanford´s expertise, including RNA sequencing and proteomic analysis, will be instrumental in this. Alligator has worked with Stanford since 2014, drawing on its pioneering work in immuno-oncology. The principal investigator at Stanford, Prof Dean Felsher, is an expert in the field of oncogene-induced cancer immune evasion and the relationship between oncogenes and cancer immunotherapy. The next step in the biomarker program will be to evaluate Alligator´s compounds in Stanford´s pre-clinical models.

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