
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2015-09-09

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: Bioceros (The Netherlands)

Acquiring company: Epirus Biopharmaceuticals (USA - MA)

Amount: $14.1 million


+ On September 09, 2015, Epirus Biopharmaceuticals, a biosimilar company focused on the global development and commercialization of biosimilar monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), announced an agreement for the acquisition of Bioceros Holding B.V., enabling Epirus to expand its biosimilar pipeline and vertically integrate product development capabilities. Under the terms of the agreement, Epirus has acquired Bioceros for a total consideration of $14.1 million in cash and stock payable in installments over a one-year period.


Bioceros is a privately-held, Netherlands-based biopharmaceutical R&D company focused on the development of mAbs and generation of GMP-ready cell lines. Over the past decade, Bioceros has developed numerous biosimilar cell lines from its proprietary, well-characterized CHO platform (CHOBC®)i. Bioceros’ staff of scientists, fully-equipped labs and bioreactor capabilities have been designed for the development of mAbs and protein therapeutics, with a focus on biosimilars. From the Bioceros platform, Epirus will expand its pipeline with the addition of three preclinical product candidates: BOW080, a proposed biosimilar to eculizumab (reference biologic Soliris®); BOW090, a proposed biosimilar to ustekinumab (reference biologic Stelara®); and BOW100, a proposed biosimilar to golimumab (reference biologic Simponi®).These three new pipeline assets represent a global growth opportunity for EPIRUS in targeting reference biologics with estimated 2020 peak sales of $12 billionii. The platform also enables future pipeline growth opportunities for EPIRUS. The anticipated filing dates for the three new pipeline products are 2020 for BOW080, 2021 for BOW090 and 2022 for BOW100.



Biosimilar drugs

Is general: Yes