
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2015-04-10

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: Tanomed (Sweden)

Acquiring company: Karo Bio (Sweden)



* On April 10, 2015, Karo Bio has signed an agreement to acquire the drug research company Tanomed AB, which has developed a unique product for common cold. Karo Bio acquires 100 per cent in Tanomed valued at MSEK 20, through a share issue. The Board of Directors of Karo Bio has an authorization from the Annual General Meeting to issue up to 10 per cent of the registered share capital.



The acquisition provides Karo Bio access to a new product to relieve and prevent progression of common cold by reinforcing the body’s own defenses to fight common cold viruses. The patented technology is based on Swedish research in cooperation with University of Umeå where the enzyme glucose oxidase is used in combination with glucose to effectively counteract rhinovirus infections as well as other viral and bacterial pathogens. Several clinical studies show that early treatment prevents or reduces disease progression.


Infectious diseases

Is general: Yes