
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2013-06-25

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: Cross Pharma (Sweden)

Acquiring company: Unimedic (Sweden)

Amount: 125 MSEK (€14.2 million)


* On June 25 2013, Medivir has signed an agreement to sell its wholly owned subsidiary, Cross Pharma AB, to Unimedic AB, a subsidiary of the Swedish listed private equity player MedCap AB. The intention is to close the deal by June 30, 2013. The consideration is 125 MSEK on a cash and debt free basis. Cross Pharma is one of the leading players in the Swedish parallel import market. The company imports original brand pharmaceuticals from a number of EU countries and sells them to pharmacies in Sweden. Following the sale of Cross Pharma, Medivir will be a research-based pharmaceutical company with proprietary prescription products on the Nordic market.



parallel import

Is general: Yes