
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2013-06-17

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: 80 % stake in Activartis (Austria)

Acquiring company: group of private investors



* On June 17, 2013, AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals has announced the spin off of its 80 % stake in Activartis GmbH, a Vienna-based biotech company with a strong platform for immune-based cancer vaccines, to a group of private investors. The dendritic cell-based technology for individualized tumor therapy developed by Activartis is well patented and represents a unique therapeutic approach. Clinical development is at an advanced stage for glioblastoma, an incurable disease, and data from a multicentric, prospective trial are expected soon. Beyond glioblastoma, other indications are being pursued, since the technology can be used for virtually any kind of tumor.



Cancer - Oncology

Is general: Yes