
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2015-12-10

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: Fluofarma (France)

Acquiring company: Porsolt (France)

Amount: undisclosed


* On December 10, 2015, Porsolt, a French preclinical CRO, announced that it has acquired Fluofarma, a Bordeaux-based company focused on the provision of cell-based assays and in vitro screening services. The acquisition further expands Porsolt’s capabilities and services that can assist clients at earlier stages of their drug discovery programs.


Fluofarma has been established in 2003. This preclinical CRO specializes in providing tailored services in cell biology and high content analysis expertise and services to support and optimize drug discovery projects at early stages of development. Fluofarma’s expertise include in vitro disease models, cell-cell interaction models, assay development, and tissue analysis.



Technology - Services

Is general: Yes