
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2016-02-03

Type of information: Plant acquisition

Acquired company: Transgene's production asset

Acquiring company: ABL Europe, a member of Institut Merieux (France)



* On February 3, 2016, Transgene  announced the purchase by ABL Europe, a wholly owned subsidiary of ABL of Transgene’s production asset situated in Illkirch, near Strasbourg. The production asset is designed and equipped to manufacture clinical lots of biophamaceuticals and vaccines using viral vectors. ABL Europe has just received authorization by the French Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament to operate a Pharmaceutical Establishment, a mandatory step to begin operations at the site. Manufacturing and other services will be provided under E.U. and U.S. GMP. 

The sale by Transgene of its production asset was the last step of the company’s reorganization initiated in June 2015. Indeed, part of the reorganization plan was the outsourcing of the manufacturing of clinical lots and focusing on the company’s core expertise, the immuno-engineering of viral vectors and clinical developments. Secured Production In parallel to this transaction, Transgene and ABL Europe have signed a three-year agreement under which Transgene has secured the production of the necessary clinical lots for its clinical development plan.


ABL Europe, a wholly owned subsidiary of ABL  is a member of the Institut Mérieux. This acquisition provides ABL with a European bioproduction facility up to the most stringent quality standards, which will allow it to serve the European CMO market, in addition to its already well established position in that field in the U.S. With its Rockville (MD) production unit and its new site in Illkirch, France, ABL will be a premier global CMO in the field, with the ability to significantly increase internationally client responsiveness and schedule flexibility.



Is general: Yes