
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2014-07-24

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: Biocad (Russia)

Acquiring company: OJSC Pharmstandard (Russia)

Amount: undisclosed


* On July 24, 2014, OJSC Pharmstandard and Millhouse  announced they have completed individual acquisitions of stakes in Biocad Holding Ltd., the main shareholder in Russian biotechnological company CJSC Biocad. Biocad specializes in the development, production and promotion of original and generic drugs in the following therapeutic categories: urology, gynecology, dermatovenerology, oncology, hematology, autoimmune and infectious diseases. Under the terms of the deal, Pharmstandard acquired 20% of Biocad Holding, while a Millhouse-affiliated entity purchase? a further 50% stake. Pharmstandard financed the acquisition with its own funds. The remaining 30% of Biocad Holdings is controlled by Dmitri Morozov, CEO and founder of Biocad, who will continue to run the company together with his top-notch management team.



Is general: Yes