
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2014-07-15

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: Ockham (UK)

Acquiring company: Chiltern (USA)



* On July 15, 2014, Chiltern and Ockham, two leading full-service contract research organizations, announce that Chiltern has acquired 100% of Ockham and that the companies will merge their operations. The combined company will be called Chiltern. Ockham’s management team will join the management of the enlarged group, thus ensuring a seamless continuation of high quality services. Chiltern’s CEO Jim Esinhart, PhD will be CEO of the Chiltern Group, with Ockham’s CEO, James V. Baker, becoming Chief Development Officer. Nick Thornton will remain as Chairman.



This merger will strengthen the combined service offerings in three strategic areas:

- Oncology specialization with extensive expertise across all clinical phases of development (Chiltern Oncology);

- Biopharmaceutical services with global reach and scale, including deep therapeutic experience in respiratory, ophthalmology, infectious disease, vaccines and dermatology (Chiltern Biopharmaceutics); and

- Global Functional Service Provider (FSP)/Sourcing provision specializing in tailored resourcing solutions across clinical, regulatory, medical and biometrics (Chiltern Source).




Cancer - Oncology

Is general: Yes