
Fundraisings and IPOs

Date: 2015-02-17

Type of information: Capital increase

Company: Quantum Genomics (France)


Amount: €11.2 million

Funding type: capital increase

Planned used:


This capital increase is a key part of the launch of clinical trials for Phase IIa of QGC001. This first-in-class drug candidate of the new class of therapeutics for the treatment of high blood pressure, in November 2014 obtained the authorisations to start Phase IIa studies aimed at proving its effectiveness in hypertensive patients. Quantum Genomics’ goal is to sign, by the end of 2016, a license agreement or partnership with a manufacturer in the healthcare sector to continue the clinical development of its product
QGC001, its registration and commercialisation.
The funds raised are also intended for financing other ongoing R&D programmes: Two studies running in parallel of Phase IIa for QGC001, necessary for the preparation of the application to enter Phase IIb (the “pivotal” phase); Advancement of preclinical trials of QGC001 combinations with other antihypertensive drugs and the best-in-class product QGC006, as monotherapy for high blood pressure (showing superiority in the same therapeutic class); Completion of preclinical trials of QGC101, for the prevention and treatment of heart failure, which could then directly enter Phase II.


* On February 17, 2015, Quantum Genomics announced the success of its Initial Public Offering on the Euronext Alternext market
in Paris. Total demand amounted to 5,270,122 shares corresponding to €33.2 million. The global placement, intended mainly for institutional investors, was 2.1 times oversubscribed. The openprice offering, intended mainly for individuals in France, was 14.8 times oversubscribed relative to the initially intended allocation. Confirming the strong demand for its shares, the Board of Directors of Quantum Genomics set the capital-increase price at €6.30 per share, corresponding to the highest point of the indicative price
range of the offer. It also decided to exercise the extension clause. Quantum Genomics granted to Invest Securities an overallotment option, exercisable until 13 March 2015 (inclusive), increasing the maximum issue to 267,375 new shares representing €1.7
million. At the result of the transaction, the share capital of Quantum Genomics now consists of 6,592,587 shares. Based on the offer price (€6.30), the market capitalization of Quantum Genomics is €41.5 million.In total, the issue represents a capital increase of €11.23 million (issue premium included) after the exercise in full of the extension clause. Quantum Genomics granted to Invest Securities an overallotment option, exercisable until 13 March 2015 (inclusive), increasing the maximum issue to 267,375 new shares representing €1.7 million. 1,306,310 shares were subscribed by institutional investors in the global placement (amounting to approximately €8.2 million) of which 30% were allocated to Téthys as part of its subscription commitment. At the end of the offering, before the potential exercise of the overallotment option, Téthys held 12.1% of share capital. 476,190 shares were subscribed by the public in the open-price offering (amounting to approximately €3 million).

Quantum Genomics has been listed since April 2014 on the \"Private\" compartment of Alternext Paris. This capital increase is a key part of the launch of clinical trials for Phase IIa of QGC001.

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases

Is general: Yes