
Fundraisings and IPOs

Date: 2014-09-30

Type of information: Capital increase

Company: Vitamfero (France)

Investors: Go Capital (France), Pradeyrol Développement (France), Business Angels affiliated with Val de France Angels (France) CapDecisif Management (France), G1J Ile-de-France (France), individual investors

Amount: €2.7 million

Funding type: capital increase

Planned used:

This investment will allow VitamFero to pursue development of its products, notably in preventing ovine toxoplasmosis and bovine neosporosis, and to prepare their commercialization with the assistance of leading industry partners. Member of Atlanpole Biotherapies, a French competitivity cluster, VitamFero is active in Molecular & Cellular Biology and Immunology in close collaboration with François-Rabelais University of Tours and the INRA. In addition to its laboratory in Tours (France), VitamFero will shortly have additional laboratories in Angers (France) where the company will consolidate its biopharmaceutical and clinical developmental activities and benefit from the internationally-recognized expertise of the University of Angers in biologic drug delivery.


* On September 30, 2014, VitamFero, a company developing novel anti-infective (notably anti-parasitics) prophylactic applications in animal health, has secured a new capital increase in the amount of €2.7 million with GO CAPITAL (through the Ouest Ventures II fund), Pradeyrol Développement and Business Angels affiliated with Val de France Angels, accompanied by the original shareholders (i.e. CapDecisif Management, G1J Ile-de-France and individual investors) who thus renewed their confidence in, and support for, the company. An officially-approved Genopole® firm established in 2005, VitamFero exploits major advances obtained and patented in partnership, notably, with the INRA (National Agronomic Research Institute, France) and François-Rabelais University of Tours in the field of anti-parasitic vaccines and veterinary neonatal immunostimulants, fields where needs remain largely unmet and where the market is estimated at several billion euros. VitamFero\'s technology is based on the development and molecular engineering of parasite strains (i.e. Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, ...) that are live and attenuated by targeted and total deletion of virulence genes.
This investment will allow VitamFero to pursue development of its products, notably in preventing ovine toxoplasmosis and bovine neosporosis, and to prepare their commercialization with the assistance of leading industry partners.

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Is general: Yes