Date: 2011-05-30
Type of information: Grant
Company: Clavis Pharma (Norway)
Investors: The Research Council of Norway
Amount: NOK 14 million (€ 1.8 million)
Funding type: grant
Planned used: Clavis Pharma has been awarded a grant from The Research Council of Norway of up to NOK 14 mill (USD 2.5 mill) for the development of a flow cytometry method for the detection and quantification of human Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter (hENT1) in patients suffering from Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML). The objective of the research is to develop an analytical method that will enable the selection of the sub-population of AML patients who are likely to benefit most from treatment with Clavis Pharma\'s novel anti-cancer drug elacytarabine.The hENT1 flow cytometry project will be a collaborative effort between scientists at Clavis Pharma and international experts in the field of cancer diagnostics.The grant has been awarded through the BIA program that funds research-based innovation projects independent of the industrial from which they come. This broad program supports high-quality R&D projects which could deliver good business and socio-economic benefits. The grant will cover up to 35% of the total project cost and the allocation is subject to final negotiations with the Council.
Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology