Date: 2011-05-03
Type of information: Grant
Company: MdxHealth (Belgium)
Investors: EuroTransBio (European Commission initiative to foster cross border research & development between companies and academia working in the biotech industry) (EU)
Amount: $ 1.1 million (€ 0.74 million)
Funding type: grant
Planned used: During 2011 and 2012, MDxHealth and NovioGendix will use the funds to discover and validate tumor markers for the prediction of tumor progression into the muscle in developing invasive stage of bladder cancer using DNA methylation technologies, DNA sequencing and RNA-expression profiles on clinical samples collected from bladder cancer patients at the Urology Department of RUNMC. Such predictive markers will guide the treatment decisions for the more aggressive bladder tumors.
Others: MDxHealth SA has announced that together with partner NovioGendix B.V., a molecular diagnostics company spun out from Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (RUNMC), the Netherlands, it has received a $ 1.1 million (€ 0.74 million) grant from the Eurotrans-Bio initiative to progress its bladder cancer program.
Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology