
Fundraisings and IPOs

Date: 2013-06-26

Type of information: Private placement

Company: Diamyd Medical (Sweden)


Amount: MSEK 20.7 (€2.32 million)

Funding type: new shares issue

Planned used:

This share issue will be used to fund Diamyd expanded diabetes portfolio.


* On June 26, 2013, Diamyd Medical AB has announced that it has concluded a new share issue with preferential rights for existing shareholders through which the company will receive proceeds of MSEK 20.7 (€2.32 million) before issue expenses. Subscription applications totaling approximately MSEK 26.9 were received, corresponding to a subscription rate of about 130 percent. 93.9 percent of the new share issue was subscribed with the exercise of subscription rights. In addition, 35.9 percent of the new share issue was subscribed without the exercise of subscription rights. In total, some 129.8 percent of the total number of shares was subscribed as part of the rights issue.
Some 9,859,711 new shares will be issued as part of the rights issue, of which 479,292 comprise Series A shares and 9,380,419 Series B shares. On account of the new share issue, the number of shares in Diamyd Medical will increase to 19,719,422. The company will receive proceeds of MSEK 20.7 before issue expenses.
Settlement notes to those who subscribed for shares without the exercise of subscription rights and received allocation are expected to be issued on June 26, 2013. As soon as the increase in the share capital has been registered by the Swedish Companies Registration Office, paid-up BTAs (interim shares) in the rights issue will be converted to new shares. Until then, trading in BTAs will continue on NASDAQ OMX First North. Trading in the new shares is expected to commence on NASDAQ OMX First North on or about July 12, 2013.
* On May 28, 2013, Diamyd has announced that the company has decided to implements a share issue of approximately MSEK 21 to fund expanded diabetes portfolio.  Each existing share carries entitlement to subscribe for one new share. The issue price has been set at SEK 2.10 per share. The subscription period will be begin on June 5, 2013 and extend until June 20, 2013. The principal owner of the Company, Anders Essen-Möller, has undertaken to subscribe for shares in the new issue corresponding to 21 percent of the issue amount, or about MSEK 4.3.
Diamyd Medical and the University of California (UCLA) have recently concluded a new exclusive licensing agreement relating to the therapeutic use of GABA for the treatment of diabetes and other inflammation-related conditions. Due to the signing of this agreement, the Board of Directors of Diamyd has decided to implement a share issue with preferential rights for the Company’s shareholders.
Diamyd Medical’s new licensing agreement with UCLA covers, for example, one patent application for a combination therapy including GABA and GAD, which is the active substance in the Company’s diabetes vaccine, Diamyd®.
Holders of existing shares have preferential rights to subscribe for new shares at a ratio determined by the number of shares owned on the record date of June 4, 2013. Holding of Series A shares entitles to subscribe for Series A shares and holding of Series B shares entitles to subscribe for Series B shares. Each existing share in Diamyd Medical entitles the holder to one (1) subscription right. One (1) subscription right carries entitlement to subscription for one (1) new share. The issue price has been set at SEK 2.10 per share. The total issue comprises a maximum of 9,859,711 new shares, of which 479,292 Series A shares and 9,380,419 Series B shares.

Therapeutic area: Metabolic diseases

Is general: Yes