Date: 2011-01-20
Type of information: Grant
Company: Genfit (France)
Investors: OSEO (France)
Amount: € 4.9 million
Funding type: ISI grant
Planned used: Genfit is the leader of the micro-Path program within a new biomarker research consortium. The company is supported by € 4.9 million Euros from the Strategic Industrial Innovation program of the French public organization OSEO. The global budget of the micro-Path program is € 13.5 million over 4 years, of which € 10.3 million will be invested by GENFIT as the leader of the research consortium. The consortium also includes other industrial partners (genOway, Indicia Biotechnology), the research unit Inserm 1011 (Lille University 2/Lille Pasteur Institute), and three clinical research groups in cardiology located in Lille (Lille University Hospital/Lille University 2, Lyon (Lyon University Hospital/Claude Bernard University), and Paris (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris/University of Paris 13). Micro-Path is a translational research program based on the use of GENFIT’s MprintTM technology. MprintTM represents a set of tools and know-how for the capture, measurement, and characterization of macromolecular substances in different human body fluids, such as blood and cerebrospinal fluid, as early markers of a pathological state and the evolution of disease. The micro-Path program will notably accelerate the development of this technology for the discovery of novel biomarkers of atherosclerosis and of vulnerable plaques. GENFIT has two major objectives in the micro-Path program: - To propose a decision-making tool for the selection and follow-up of patients for clinical trials of drug candidates in the cardiometabolic arena. Such a tool will enable the optimization of clinical development plans, thus reducing costs and the time to market the new cardiometabolic drugs. - To propose a tool for the development of a new diagnostic test that enables the simple, rapid, and reliable identification and thus the early treatment of patients at high cardiovascular risk.
Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases - Metabolic diseases - Liver diseases