Date: 2011-02-22
Type of information:
Company: Vitamfero (France)
Investors: CapDecisif Management (France)
G1J Ile-de-France (France)
Amount: € 1.1 million
Funding type: financing round
Planned used: Over the next two years, that investment will allow VitamFero to develop its products in accordance with its Business Plan and to strengthen its patent portfolio ahead of another round of financing planned for 2013.
Others: VitamFero, a Genopole® accredited company, has closed its initial round of financing with venture capitalists. This early-stage biotech developer of new antiparasitic vaccines at its labs housed in French INRA/University Research Unit UMR 483 for Immunology, Parasitology and Vaccinology at the University François-Rabelais of
Tours (France), just finalized significant fund-raising of €1.1 million with CapDecisif Management and G1J Ile-de-France.
Therapeutic area: