Date: 2011-04-14
Type of information: Grant
Company: Vironova (Sweden)
Investors: European Eurostars Programme (EU)
Amount: €1,72 million
Funding type: grant
Planned used: The funding will be used for the MiniTEM project.
Others: Vironova, a Swedish biotech company dedicated to the development of novel antiviral therapeutics and virus diagnostics solutions, has been granted funding from the EU for a €1,72 million EurostarsTM pro-ject - “MiniTEM” - aiming at developing the world’s first portable transmission electron microscope for identification of viruses and characterization of other biological nanoparti-cles.
MiniTEM is a collaborative project between Vironova AB (publ), DELONG INSTRUMENTS a.s. and the Centre for Image Analysis (CBA), part of Uppsala University and Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences. The members of the consortium are leading actors within their respective field and together they provide a unique approach to rapid, automated and cost efficient virus diagnostics and nanoparticle characterization through miniaturized transmission electron microscope (TEM) and image analysis technology. The products to be developed during the coming three years – address the two large and fast growing global markets of virus diagnostics and nanomedicine related re-search and development. The prospective customers are primarily pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and Universities world-wide which seek improved solutions to new and currently unmet needs.
Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases