Date: 2011-02-03
Type of information: Fundraising
Company: AB Science (France)
Investors: BNP Paribas (France) ABN AMRO (The Netherlands)
Amount: €1.7 million
Funding type: credit line
Planned used: This credit line is aimed at financing projects supporting the growth of the company. A few days later (2011-02-08) AB Science announced the launch of the commercialisation and the first commercial shipments of masitinib across the United States to veterinary hospitals and veterinarians. In the United States, masitinib is marketed under the brand name KINAVET-CA1, for the treatment of recurrent or non-resectable Grade II and Grade III cutaneous mast cell tumors in dogs that have not previously received radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy except corticosteroids.
Others: AB Science has obtained a credit line of €1.7 million, running until February 2016. This credit line, received from the bank Neuflize OBC (group ABN Amro) and BNP Paribas, has a 5 year term, starting from the date of contract signature, with a 2 year differed payment period. It is counter guaranteed by Oseo at 60%.
Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology