
Fundraisings and IPOs

Date: 2014-04-14

Type of information: Grant

Company: Domain Therapeutics (France)

Investors: The Michael J. Fox Foundation - MJFF (USA)

Amount: $ 230 000 (€166 110)

Funding type: grant

Planned used:

The grant will support pharmacological characterization and optimization of new positive allosteric modulators (PAM) 3 metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR3) in the treatment of Parkinson\'s disease.


*On April 14, 2014, Domain Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the research and development of new drug candidates targeting G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), has  announced the receipt of a second grant of 230 000 dollars from The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) for Parkinson’s Research to support its metabotropic glutamate receptor type III (mGluR3) positive allosteric modulators (PAM) program. The MJFF first supported the initial stages of this program in 2012 through a 300 000 dollars (USD) grant. “This new grant allows Domain to move forward its mGluR3 PAM program towards in vivo proof-of-concept and identification of a preclinical candidate,” said Pascal Neuville, board director and CEO of Domain Therapeutics. “It also increases our opportunities to meet Pharma’s expectations, with the objective of reaching an effective partnership deal to ultimately help those living with Parkinson’s disease and enhance their quality of life.” Domain discovered that mGluR3 PAMs already demonstrate, in vitro, a neuroprotective effect, mediated by the production of growth factors. Stimulating the production of these growth factors is essential for the survival of neurons. Throughout the rest of this year, Domain will identify the most favourable among its mGluR3 PAM leads in order to conduct proof-of-concept studies in Parkinson’s disease models.

* On January 30, 2012, Domain Therapeutics has announced that it has been awarded a grant from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for the optimization and pharmacological characterization of novel metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (mGluR3) Positive Allosteric Modulators PAMs) to treat Parkinson's disease (PD). The one-year grant of $ 300,000 (€228,000)was awarded under the Foundation's therapeutics development initiative aimed at supporting pre-clinical development of Parkinson’sdisease therapies that have the potential to alter disease course and improve the treatment of symptoms beyond current standards of care.

Therapeutic area: Neurodegenerative diseases

Is general: Yes