Date: 2011-04-12
Type of information: Private placement
Company: Adenovir Pharma (Sweden)
Investors: BWG Holding - P.U.L.S. AB (Sweden) - Länsförsäkringar Skåne (Sweden) - Sparbanksstiftelsen Skånes Riskkapitalstiftelse (Sweden) - Augmenta
Amount: SEK 10.7 million (€ 1.17 million)
Funding type: rights issue
Planned used: The capital injection will be used for ongoing product development and pre-clinical and clinical studies. Adenovir Pharma possesses proprietary technology for the development of new anti-viral pharmaceutical solutions useful for the treatment of infectious diseases affecting the eyes. The initial development was carried out by Professors Olav Sterner and Ulf Ellervik at Lund University, Department of Organic Chemistry, in collaboration with researchers at Umeå University, with P.U.L.S., and with external service providers specialized in pharmaceutical development. Adenovir Pharma is also developing a new drug in the form of eye drops for the treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
Others: Adenovir Pharma has raised SEK 10.7 million via a rights issue to fund continuing development of a new drug for the treatment of infectious eye disease caused by viruses.
Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases - Ophtalmological diseases