Date: 2011-06-09
Type of information: Grant
Company: Neovacs (France)
Investors: OSEO (France)
Amount: €1,448 million
Funding type:
Planned used: This payment supports Tracker, a development project with its TNF-Kinoid drug candidate for rheumatoid arthritis.
Others: Neovacs® receives a payment of €1,448 million from OSEO following achievement of the second key milestone in the Tracker Project with TNF-Kinoid in rheumatoid arthritis therapy. This agreement signed in 2008 supports Tracker, a development project with its TNF-Kinoid drug candidate for rheumatoid arthritis. The payment was made according to the schedule laid out in the contract and followed presentation of the results of the second phase of the project. The primary objectives of Tracker are to validate the diagnostic tools produced by the diagnostic company Biomedical Diagnostics (BMD) to evaluate these neutralizing antibodies and to test the therapeutic solution developed by NeovacsR with its TNF-Kinoid. The OSEO funding totals €7.9 million, of which €6.4 million is Neovacs’ share.
Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases – Inflammatory diseases - Rheumatic diseases