Date: 2011-04-14
Type of information: Grant
Company: ArcticZymes (Norway)
Investors: Research Council of Norway
Amount: MNOK 7.2 (€ 0.9 million)
Funding type: grant
Planned used: The project is entitled "Development of new marine enzymes for research and diagnostics". The total project budget is 14.4 MNOK over 3 years. The project is a user-driven innovation project in the FUGE-program aiming to establish a stronger product development platform for the development of new enzymes for use in molecular biology applications.
Others: Biotec Pharmacon subsidiary, ArcticZymes AS, has received a grant of MNOK 7.2 (€ 0.9 million) from the Research Council of Norway for a project with the title "Development of new marine enzymes for research and diagnostics". The total project budget is 14.4 MNOK over 3 years. The project is a user-driven innovation project in the FUGE-program aiming to establish a stronger product development platform for the development of new enzymes for use in molecular biology applications. ArcticZymes is involved as commercial partner in several marine bioprospecting activities that form a large source and pipeline for new commercial enzymes from the Arctic marine environment, including being a commercial partner of the Sfi MabCent consortium and the MARZymes projects at the University of Tromsø. The strengthened pipeline of product candidates through strategic partnerships with MabCent, MARZymes and others makes it necessary to increase product development speed and capacity. The partnership with The University of Tromsø in this project will strengthen the entire product development chain and increase capacity from early stage to final product.
Therapeutic area: Technology - Services