Date: 2011-04-12
Type of information: Establishment of a new subsidiary in the EU
Company: AB Science (France)
Investors: shareholders
Amount: € 7,539,400
Funding type: bond loan agreement
Planned used: The operation will allow AB Science to secure the financing of two phase 3 clinical trials which were not planned at the time of the IPO – one in metastatic melanoma and another in Alzheimer’s disease.
Others: AB Science has reported the signing of a bond loan agreement, convertible or reimbursable in ordinary shares, for the nominal amount of € 7,539,400, with investors who are already shareholders. This operation will be submitted to the vote of the Annual General Meeting scheduled on May 23rd. Subscription period will be opened right after the vote by the shareholders and until July 15th 2011 at the latest. They will not be admitted to trading on a regulated market and will not be transferable, unless the Company agrees. The Bonds will bear 1.25% annual interest to be paid annually. They will also bear 4.75% accrued interest to be paid only in case of reimbursement of the loan in cash. The Bonds may be reimbursed by anticipation in cash at the option of AB Science under certain conditions. The Bonds will be repayable in full on the seventh anniversary of the issue date at their nominal value. They will be convertible into shares at any time at the initiative of the Bondholder at the price of 12.65 euros per share. The Bonds will be automatically reimbursed in shares if, starting from December 31st 2013, the three-month moving average share price of the Company is greater or equal to eighteen (18) euros.
Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Neurodegenerative diseases