
Fundraisings and IPOs

Date: 2015-01-02

Type of information: Grant

Company: Apeptico (Austria)

Investors: The Wellcome Trust (UK)


Funding type: grant

Planned used:

The grant will be used to further explore the role of enaritide for the treatment of Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1b (PHA type 1b). In this life-threatening condition the sodium ion channel, ENaC, found in kidneys, colon, lungs, salivary and sweat glands has either reduced or no functionality. Non-function of ENaC results in loss of sodium in the urine and faeces and severe salt imbalance in the body. Characteristic features are low levels of sodium (hyponatremia) and high levels of potassium (hyperkalemia) in the blood. The disease usually presents in newborns who fail to thrive and suffer from severe dehydration; other symptoms are abnormal heartbeat or shock due to salt imbalance and recurrent lung infections due to accumulated fluid. The condition does not improve with age and patients require life-long salt supplements and special treatment to remove potassium. If Apeptico’s synthetic protein structure activates the defective ENaC, then it could be used to treat lung ailments of PHA type 1b patients.


* On January 2, 2015, Apeptico, an Austrian privately-held biotechnology company developing synthetic protein structures,  announced that it has been awarded a research grand by the Wellcome Trust under the Pathfinder Award scheme to further explore the role of enaritide for the treatment of Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1b (PHA
type 1b). Based on its discovery work on interactions of the pulmonary epithelial sodium ion channel (ENaC) and
various pharmacodynamically active protein structures, Apeptico has been encouraged by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to apply for a Pathfinder Award of the Wellcome Trust. Its Pathfinder Scheme offers pilot funding for discrete projects from partnerships between academia and industry to catalyse innovative early-stage applied research and development projects in areas of unmet medical need.
APEPTICO’s Pathfinder Award “Effect of a synthetic peptide on PHA type 1b causing mutations in the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)” addresses the orphan disease Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1b (PHA type 1b).

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases

Is general: Yes