
Fundraisings and IPOs

Date: 2014-04-03

Type of information: IPO

Company: Genticel (France)

Investors: Edmond de Rotschild Investment Partners (France), Amundi Private Equity Funds (France), BpiFrance (France), Wellington Partners (USA), IRDI (France)

Amount: €34.5 million

Funding type: IPO

Planned used:

Based in Paris and Toulouse, Genticel is a biopharmaceutical company developing innovative vaccines for patients infected with human papillomavirus (HPV). Its vaccine candidates are aimed at eliminating, at an early stage, cells carrying the HPV responsible for cervical cancer. Funds will be used to advance Genticel’s key product candidates, i.e., two therapeutic HPV vaccines ProCervix® and Multivalent HPV®. ProCervix® is currently in Phase II clinical trials. The vaccine is designed to eliminate cells infected by type 16 and/or type 18 HPV virus located at the cervix of the uterus before the development of high-grade or cancerous lesions. The second therapeutic vaccine candidate called Multivalent HPV that targets six strains of cancerous HPV.


* On April 3, 2014, Genticel has announced it has raised €34.5 million through its IPO on Euronext Paris (C compartment) and Bruxelles. The company was listed through the admission to trading of existing shares making up the company’s equity and the sale of 4,367,088 newly issued shares, resulting in a capital increase of €34.5 million. The admission and issue price of Genticel shares was set at €7.90 per share, leading to a market capitalisation of approximately €119.4 million. 

Last year, Genticel has raised €18.2 million (USD 23,7 million) in additional capital. Wellington Partners, based in Munich, Germany, led the round which included all current institutional investors i.e. IDInvest Partners, Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners (EdRIP), InnoBio fund*, IRDI and Amundi Private Equity Funds. Dr. Rainer Strohmenger, General Partner at Wellington Partners, joins the Supervisory Board of Genticel.


Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases - Gynecology - Women's health

Is general: Yes