
Fundraisings and IPOs

Date: 2015-05-12

Type of information: Grant

Company: Antabio (France)

Investors: Wellcome Trust (UK)

Amount: €4 million

Funding type: grant

Planned used:

The Trust has awarded Antabio € 4 million over 2 years to fund the development of a small molecule inhibitor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to be used in combination with standard-of-care antibiotics. The objective of the project team, led by Principal Investigator Dr. Martin Everett, Head of Biology at Antabio, is to identify a potent and selective lead series with efficacy in animals which will be capable of further development into a drug to augment the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy and result in enhanced suppression of the infection.


* On March 7, 2016. Antabio announced that it has achieved two milestones in its antibacterial drug discovery collaborations with the Wellcome Trust. These results release a further €3.1 million from the Seeding Drug Discovery Awards received by Antabio. The second collaboration (“the PBi program”) began in May 2015 when the Trust awarded Antabio €4.0 million to fund the development of novel small molecule drugs for the treatment of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infections in cystic fibrosis patients. Antabio has identified a potent and selective in vitro lead series with all the physicochemical properties required.

* On May 12, 2015, Antabio SAS, a leading biopharmaceutical company in the field of antibacterial drug discovery, announced that it has received a Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery Award to develop novel small molecule drugs for the treatment of chronic Pseudomonas infections in cystic fibrosis patients.



Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases - Rare diseases

Is general: Yes