
Clinical Trials

Date: 2011-02-22

Type of information:


Announcement: initiation of the study

Company: TcLand Expression (France)

Product: blood-based biomarker RA-INF-Dx

Action mechanism: predictive, multigene molecular diagnostic for identifying rheumatoid arthritis patients who are unlikely to respond to infliximab (Remicade®)

Disease: rheumatoid arthritis

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases – Inflammatory diseases - Rheumatic diseases

Country: 7 European countries including France

Trial details: TcLand Expression has launched the PRINT trial (Predicting non-response to infliximab therapy) and the recruitment of its first patient in a French rheumatology center.
PRINT is a prospective, international, multicenter trial seeking to validate the blood-based biomarker RA-INF-Dx as a predictive, multigene molecular diagnostic for identifying rheumatoid arthritis patients who are unlikely to respond to infliximab (Remicade®). In all, 200 patients will be included in the study by around 25 investigating centers in 7 European countries.
The PRINT study will meet stringent regulatory requirements and the results will reinforce the company’s assets in the field of autoimmune diseases and its potential for collaboration with a range of healthcare players. TcLand expects the RA-INF-Dx test to be commercialized in 2012.

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