
Clinical Trials

Date: 2015-12-01

Type of information: Initiation of preclinical development

phase: preclinical

Announcement: initiation of preclinical development

Company: Neovacs (France)

Product: tumor growth factor kinoid

Action mechanism:

kinoid/immunotherapy product. A Kinoid is obtained by chemically linking the cytokine of interest to a foreign carrier protein, KLH ( Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin), and then treating the resultant compound to inactivate the cytokine. These active immunotherapies have been designed to induce an antibody response by the patient’s immune system that targets a particular over-expressed cytokine responsible for the pathogenesis and development of a given disease. The Kinoid technology can be applied in principle to any cytokine target. Three targets (Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), Interferon alpha (IFNalpha) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) are considered as playing a key role in the pathogenesis of certain diseases.


Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology


Trial details:

Latest news:

* On December 1, 2015, Neovacs, a leader in active immunotherapies for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, announced its engagement into the field of immuno-oncology. The decision is based on recommendations by the Company’s Scientific Adivsory Board, which met on November 17, 2015 in New York. Neovacs convened its Scientific Advisory Board with the clear mission to identify novel cytokine/growth factor targets in oncology. Neovacs’ proprietary technology is based on active immunotherapy, which stimulates a patients immune system to produce polyclonal antibodies, neutralizing pathogenic proteins.
As a result of their work, the Scientific Advisory Board recommended Neovacs to focus on the preclinical development of specific Kinoid’s targeting the neutralization of tumoral growth factors including VEGF-A in different types of cancer,in particular colorectal cancer and ovarian cancers.
Prof. Tanios Bekali-SAAB,MD,Section Chief of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Professor of Medecine & Pharmacy, The Ohio State University Cancer Hospital, Ohio, Prof. Maura N. DICKLER, MD, Medical Oncologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, Prof. Robert S. KERBEL, PhD, Senior Scientist and Professor, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Biological Sciences Platform, and Dept. of Medical Biophysics,University of Toronto, Canada, Prof. Miriam MERAD, MD, PhD, Professor of Oncological Science, Medicine and Immunology Tisch Cancer Institute , Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, Prof. Virginia PASCUAL, MD, Director, Center for Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases, Baylor Institute, Dallas, Texas, Prof. Richard T. PENSON, MD, MRCP, Associate Professor, Medecine, Harvard Medical School, Clinical Director for Medical Gynecologic Oncology, Boston, MA and Prof. Laurence ZITVOGEL, MD, PhD, Director of INSERM U1015, Head of Dpt. of Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy at Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France participated in this meeting.
This program on oncology will be pursued in close cooperation with Prof. Robert S. Kerbel, and the Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, Canada. The objective is to obtain proof of concept in relevant preclinical models in the course of 2016, before initiating clinical trials. These studies will be funded within actual cash on-hand.

Is general: Yes