
Clinical Trials

Date: 2013-06-03

Type of information: Presentation of results at a congress

phase: 2

Announcement: presentation of Phase II retrospective follow-up data from the prostate cancer project with tasquinimod at the scientific conference \

Company: Active Biotech (Sweden) Ipsen (France)

Product: tasquinimod

Action mechanism:

immunomodulator/immunotherapy product. TASQ (tasquinimod, ABR-215050) binds to a molecule called S100A9 which is expressed in the white blood cells involved in the regulation of immune responses. S100A9 interacts with two known pro-inflammatory receptors (Toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) and receptor of advanced glycation end products (RAGE)) and this interaction is inhibited by TASQ (Björk et al PLoS Biology, April 2009).


prostate cancer

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology


Trial details:

Latest news:

* On June 3, 2013, Active Biotech has presented Phase II retrospective follow-up data from the prostate cancer project with tasquinimod at the scientific conference \"2013 ASCO Annual Meeting\" held in Chicago (USA). This study was performed in collaboration with EXINI Diagnostics AB. Using an automated software for analysis of the bone scan index (BSI), a quantitative measure of tumor burden in bone, the relation of the BSI with other prognostic biomarkers and overall survival were analyzed in a data set from the previously concluded Phase II tasquinimod clinical study.
A delay in objective radiographic bone scan progression with tasquinimod using the BSI analysis was observed, and this delay may be associated with improvements in survival. In an analysis of all patients, regardless of treatment arm, baseline BSI correlated with OS (HR 1.42; p=0.013) in a univariate analysis. It remained associated with OS (HR 1.64; p=<0.001) in a multivariate analysis including tasquinimod treatment and different validated, prognostic baseline factors. Tasquinimod had a favorable impact on the BSI over time, confirming original findings in the randomized phase 2 trial.

Is general: Yes