

1 49 50 51 52 53 246
Number of results: 4911

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Date Company Compound Disease Type of agreement Therapeutic area Type of Information
2016-12-19 Uniqure (The Netherlands) nomination Rare diseases - Genetic diseases Nomination
2016-12-16 Ionis Pharmaceuticals (USA - CA) AstraZeneca (UK) antisense therapeutics against five cancer targets, including IONIS-STAT3Rx and IONIS-KRAS-2.5Rx advanced lymphomas, undisclosed cancers, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases


Cancer - Oncology - Cardiovascular diseases - Metabolic diseases Exercise of an option agreement
2016-12-16 FIT Biotech (Finland) Innavirvax (France) DNA-based HIV-vaccine FIT-06 and VAC-3S HIV infection



Infectious diseases Development agreement
2016-12-16 CRISPR Therapeutics (Switzerland - USA - MA) Intellia Therapeutics (USA - MA) Caribou Biosciences (USA - CA) ERS Genomics (Ireland) intellectual property for CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology collaboration Technology - Services Collaboration agreement
2016-12-16 Cytosen Therapeutics (USA - TX) University of Central Florida (USA - FL) licensing Cancer - Oncology Licensing agreement
2016-12-15 Celgene (USA - NJ) Evotec (Germany) neurodegenerative diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease


Neurodegenerative diseases R&D agreement
2016-12-15 Noxxon Pharma (Germany) Merck&Co (USA - NJ) pembrolizumab and olaptesed pegol (NOX-A12) metastatic colorectal cancer, metastatic pancreatic cancer clinical research Cancer - Oncology Clinical research agreement
2016-12-15 Elsalys Biotech (France) Transgene (France) TG3003, now ELB 041 (anti-CD115 antibody)

product acquisition

Cancer - Oncology Product acquisition
2016-12-15 Confo Therapeutics (Belgium) chairman of the board of directors nomination Nomination
2016-12-15 apceth (Germany) Bluebird bio (USA - MA) Lenti-D™ and LentiGlobin™ drug products childhood cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy (CCALD - X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy cerebral childhood) transfusion-dependent ?-thalassemia. manufacturing - bioproduction Technology - Services - Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Hematological diseases Production agreement
2016-12-14 Domain Therapeutics (France) Alkermes (Ireland) GPCR BioSens-All™ technology


CNS diseases Licensing agreement
2016-12-13 BMS (USA - NY)

construction of new premises


2016-12-13 Audentes Therapeutics (USA - CA)


Rare diseases - Genetic diseases Nomination
2016-12-13 Kite Pharma (USA - CA) Vitruvian Networks (USA - CA) software solution to support commercial availability of T-cell therapies


Technology - Services Collaboration agreement
2016-12-13 GSK (UK) global vaccines R&D center in Rockville opening of new premises Infectious diseases Opening of new premises
2016-12-13 Audentes Therapeutics (USA - CA) member of the board of directors nomination Rare diseases - Genetic diseases Nomination
2016-12-12 Polyphor (Switzerland) Taisho Pharmaceutical (Japan) novel drug candidates based on Polyphor’s proprietary macrocycle platform R&D, research undisclosed Milestone
2016-12-12 Ipsen (France)


2016-12-12 Abivax (France) ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies (Denmark) ABX544 Ebola fever development - licensing - commercialisation Infectious diseases Services contract
2016-12-12 Alexion Pharmaceuticals (USA - CT) nomination Rare diseases - Genetic diseases Nomination