

1 47 48 49 50 51 246
Number of results: 4911

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Date Company Compound Disease Type of agreement Therapeutic area Type of Information
2017-01-05 BMS (USA - NY) Janssen Biotech, a J&J company (USA - NJ) Opdivo® (nivolumab) and Darzalex®(daratumumab) multiple myeloma and solid tumors including non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, triple negative breast cancer and head and neck cancer

clinical research

Cancer - Oncology Clinical research agreement
2017-01-05 Eli Lilly (USA - IN) restructuring Restructuring
2017-01-05 Merus (The Netherlands) IRB Barcelona (Spain) bispecific antibodies targeting the microenvironnement research Cancer - Oncology Research agreement
2017-01-05 Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) PvP Biologics (USA - WN) KumaMax celiac disease development Autoimmune diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Digestive diseases Development agreement
2017-01-04 Pfizer (USA - NY) Spark Therapeutics (USA - PA) SPK-FIX hemophilia B


Hematological diseases - Genetic diseases - Rare diseases Milestone
2017-01-04 Affimed (Germany) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (USA - TX) TandAb® technology in combination with natural killer cell (NK) product


clinical research


Cancer - Oncology Clinical research agreement
2017-01-04 Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany) leadXpro (Switzerland)


Technology - Services Collaboration agreement
2017-01-04 Akari Therapeutics (USA - NY - UK) head of clinical development, head of regulatory affairs nomination Rare diseases - Inflammatory diseases Nomination
2017-01-04 Noxxon Pharma (Germany) Aptarion biotech (Germany) Spiegelmers technology


Licensing agreement
2017-01-04 Synpromics (UK) GE Healthcare (USA - WI) customised synthetic promoters research - R&D Technology - Services Research agreement
2017-01-03 Soligenix (USA - NJ) Emergent BioSolutions (USA - MD) production technology for the RiVax™ drug substance protein antigen exposure to ricin toxin


Collaboration agreement
2017-01-03 BioTime (USA - CA) Cell Cure Neurosciences (Israel) cell therapies manufacturing center

opening of new premises

Ophtalmological diseases Opening of new premises
2017-01-03 Alnylam Therapeutics (USA - MA) chief medical officer nomination Nomination
2017-01-03 Corvus Pharmaceuticals (USA - CA) member of the board of directors nomination Cancer - Oncology Nomination
2017-01-03 Cymabay Therapeutics (USA - CA) Kowa Pharmaceuticals (Japan) arhalofenate gout




Inflammatory diseases Development agreement
2017-01-02 Sanofi Pasteur (France) Merck&Co (USA - NJ) Sanofi Pasteur MSD (SPMSD)


Infectious diseases Termination of the agreement
2016-12-29 Medivir (Sweden) Tetralogic Pharmaceuticals Corporation (USA - PA) remetinostat, birinapant and all intellectual property and data associated with Tetralogic’s HDAC inhibitor and SMAC mimetic projects. early stage cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, solid tumours, High-grade serous carcinomas pipeline acquisition Cancer - Oncology Pipeline acquisition
2016-12-28 OSE Immunotherapeutics (France) Servier (France) Effi-7 ulcerative colitis, Sjögren syndrome.




Autoimmune diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Digestive diseases Development agreement
2016-12-27 Pluristem Therapeutics (Israel) New York Blood Center (USA - NY) Placental eXpanded (PLX)-R18 cells umbilical cord blood transplantation


Transplantation Collaboration agreement
2016-12-26 Kubota Pharmaceutical (Japan) SBI Group (Japan)


Ophtalmological diseases Joint-venture agreement