

1 162 163 164 165 166 246
Number of results: 4911

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Date Company Compound Disease Type of agreement Therapeutic area Type of Information
2014-08-20 Covidien (Ireland) Covidien Center of Innovation Brazil (CCI Brazil) Establishment of a new subsidiary in the EU
2014-08-19 Baxter (USA - IL) Renal diseases - Kidney diseases Construction of a production plant
2014-08-19 Roche (Switzerland) the Garvan Institute of Medical Research (USA - CA) new technologies for targeted epigenomic analysis R&D agreement
2014-08-19 Evotec (Germany) Medicines For Malaria Venture Malaria Box, Pathogen Box malaria, neglected diseases Infectious diseases - Parasitic diseases Collaboration agreement
2014-08-18 Eisai (Japan) Zeria Pharmaceutical (Japan) E3710 gastric acid secretion, gastritis, gastric ulcer Gastrointestinal diseases - Digestive diseases Licensing agreement
2014-08-14 MDxHealth (Belgium) Ancillary Care Services (USA - TX) ConfirmMDx® for Prostate Cancer prostate cancer

collaboration agreement

Cancer - Oncology Collaboration agreement
2014-08-14 MDxHealth (Belgium) Consilium (USA - FL) ConfirmMDx® for Prostate Cancer prostate cancer

collaboration agreement

Cancer - Oncology Collaboration agreement
2014-08-14 Melinta Therapeutics (USA - CT) member of the board of directors nomination Infectious diseases Nomination
2014-08-13 RedHill Biopharma (Israel) RESprotect (Germany) RP101 and next generation compounds


Cancer - Oncology Licensing agreement
2014-08-12 Pfizer (USA - NY) 23andMe (USA - CA) inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis Autoimmune diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Digestive diseases R&D agreement
2014-08-11 Human Longevity (USA - CA) Celgene Cellular Therapeutics (USA - CA) placental cell population PSC-100 sarcopenia Development agreement
2014-08-11 Prosensa (The Netherlands) CureDuchenne (USA - CA) PRO044, PRO045, PRO053, drisapersen Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

collaboration agreement

Genetic diseases - Neuromuscular diseases - Rare diseases Collaboration agreement
2014-08-08 Nicox (France) Bausch + Lomb (USA - NJ) latanoprostene bunod glaucoma, ocular hypertension Ophtalmological diseases Exercise of an option agreement
2014-08-07 Access Pharmaceuticals (USA - TX) Norgine (The Netherlands) MuGard™ oral mucositis

licensing agreement

Cancer - Oncology - Inflammatory diseases Licensing agreement
2014-08-07 Immune Design (USA - MA) Sanofi (France) GLAAS™ discovery platform undisclosed food allergy Allergic diseases - Immunological diseases Licensing agreement
2014-08-07 Baxter (USA - IL) Advate®, Rixubis®, BAX 855 hemophilia A, hemophilia B Hematological diseases - Genetic diseases - Rare diseases Validation of a production plant
2014-08-07 Cancer Research UK (UK) Cancer Research Technology (UK) Astellas (Japan) new drug targets for pancreatic cancer pancreatic cancer.

R&D agreement

Cancer - Oncology R&D agreement
2014-08-07 BMS (USA - NY) Leica Biosystems (Germany) tissue-based companion diagnostic tests undisclosed

development agreement

undisclosed Development agreement
2014-08-06 Valneva (France - Austria) Geovax (USA) MVA-based vaccines in Valneva’s EB66® vaccine production cell line HIV/AIDS



Infectious diseases Licensing agreement
2014-08-06 Mesoblast (Australia) National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH (USA) Mesenchymal Precursor Cells (MPCs) congestive heart failure, advanced heart failure


Cardiovascular diseases - Regenerative medicine Collaboration agreement