

Date: 2012-06-26

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: new drugs for bacterial infections

Company: Medivir (Sweden) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: bacterial infections


Medivir, a Swedish research-based pharmaceutical company focused on infectious diseases, has initiated a collaboration with researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences aimed at identifying and developing new drugs against bacteria that have become resistant to current antibiotics.
The researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) have extensive experience of isolating new microorganisms and their metabolites (intermediates and products of metabolism) with which microorganisms compete with each other in nature. These low molecular-weight chemical compounds with potentially novel mechanisms of action may serve as the starting point for developing new antibiotics to treat severe bacterial infections.
Medivir will further develop the substances that the SLU researchers identify in this early screening collaboration.

Financial terms:

Medivir will pay SLU a compensation for research services during the screening collaboration and a minor part of future revenues associated with any further development or commercialization of future substances.

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Is general: Yes