

Date: 2016-03-02

Type of information: Clinical research agreement

Compound: various candidates from Sanofi oncology pipeline - MOSCATO study

Company: Sanofi (France) Institut Gustave Roussy - IGR (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:

clinical research

Action mechanism:

Disease: various cancers


* On April 13, 2012, Sanofi and the Institut Gustave Roussy have concluded a clinical research partnership to accelerate personalized medicine in oncology. The objective is to promote and facilitate access to therapeutic innovation for cancer patients in early trials. This collaboration has been concluded for an initial term of three years with a possible extension.
Sanofi will  entrust the conduct of several early clinical trials (phase I or phase I/II) to the IGR unit dedicated to early clinical studies , the SITEP of Early Therapeutic Innovations) . Sanofi molecules that will be evaluated within the SITEP, will be selected by a joint committee that the two partners will develop. Sanofi and IGR estimate that about 120 the number of patients that could be included in these studies. Sanofi will also provide support to the MOSCATO (Molecular Screening for Cancer Treatment Optimization) study promoted by the IGR. This protocol aims to validate the concept of personalized medicine in clinical practice.

Financial terms:

Latest news:

* On March  2, 2016, Sanofi and Gustave Roussy announced that they will continue their clinical and scientific
collaboration which began in 2012, strengthening their partnership in oncology research. The objective is to promote personalized medicine and collaborative projects in translational research and thus accelerate the development of new molecules and the evaluation of these molecules in cancer patients.
The agreement between Sanofi and Gustave Roussy has been renewed for a period of three years. It will reinforce the teams' joint experience in early therapeutic development and will enable to promote collaborations in the field of immuno-oncology and immunoconjugates (antibodies conjugated to a powerful toxic agent).
Sanofi will continue to make it possible for Gustave Roussy – and its DITEP (Département d’Innovation Thérapeutique et Essais Précoces – Department of Therapeutic Innovation and Early Trials) in particular – to participate in its phase I/II trials set up in Europe.
To improve the evaluation of new molecules at an early stage of their development, the Sanofi and Gustave Roussy teams have particularly developed the translational segment as regards the MOSCATO (MOlecular Screening for CAncer Treatment Optimisation) biomedical research programme promoted by Gustave Roussy and carried out by the DITEP since 2011. The main objective is to better characterise the patient populations targeted in the development of molecules from Sanofi portfolio, and to identify and validate biomarkers enabling to support their development.
This collaboration should make it possible to accelerate the development of innovative molecules, better adapted to patients and their tumor characteristics and thus offer to clinicians new therapeutic solutions for the greatest benefit of patients.
A second phase of the programme (MOSCATO-02 study) will be initiated in 2016,introducing, into patient molecular profiles, the characterisation of immunological biomarkers which may provide patients greater access to new immunotherapies in development.

Is general: Yes