

Date: 2011-12-15

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: Slonomics technology

Company: Morphosys (Germany) Novozymes (Denmark)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement:

technology transfert

Action mechanism:



MorphoSys and Novozymes have concluded a multi-year licensing and technology transfer agreement. The agreement provides Novozymes with a non-exclusive license to use MorphoSys's proprietary Slonomics technology to develop novel products within the industrial biotechnology sector. Novozymes becomes the first industrial biotech company to have access to Slonomics technology. Slonomics technology, which comprises patented methods and know-how, advanced materials and robotic equipment, allows combination of building blocks in exactly the preferred order and composition. Researchers can thus create only the desired diversity among a set of enzyme variants, eliminating all the undesired combinations. In a typical scenario, Novozymes'  researchers can reduce the number of variants made from millions to ten thousand. Sole access to Slonomics was secured by MorphoSys via its October, 2010 acquisition of Sloning BioTechnology GmbH, a leading supplier of synthetic biology tools.



Financial terms:

Financial details were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes